Who are we?
Fischl is a highly versatile multi-function Genshin-based bot for Discord which started development in 2022. It allows private support channels, which we call tickets, between your staff team and individuals who look for help. We also offer features such as music, suggestiosn, utilities, chat and fun commands. It’s highly customizable, giving you the freedom to be the perfect fit for your server. There is no need for complex setup procedures, or multiple commands to make simple actions. You can easily interact with the bot using Discord slash commands. With over 50 active servers, 32,000 happy users, and over 1,000+ tickets to date, you can trust Fischl is going to be a great addition to your server.
Command | Example | Usage |
user <user> | /user user:@username |
Shows the details of a server member |
color <hex> | /color hex:#a9a9a9 |
Visualize a hex color |
invite | /invite |
Invite the bot to your server |
topic | /topic |
Get a random Genshin topic to chat on |
add-topic <topic> | /add-topic topic:A new discussion topic |
Adds a topic to our bot's database |
text <color> <phrase> | /text color:#a9a9a9 phrase:i love genshin |
Generates texts with Genshin-styled font |
ping | /ping |
Get the bot latency |
server | /server |
Shows the details of the current server |
help | /help |
View all the bot's commands |
embed | /embed |
Creates a custom embed message |
editembed <id> <channel> [<thread>] | /editembed id:123456789 channel:#general thread:#sub-thread |
Edits a custom embed message |
sendcodes <game> <codes> <role> | /sendcodes game:Genshin codes:WTQ2E83WS869,2SRKFQ2YSMVV role:@Genshin News Ping |
Sends a message for redemption codes with links and buttons |
send-webevent <game> <link> <role> <title> <details> <image> <color> | /send-webevent game:Genshin link: role:@Event Ping title:"New Event" details:"Exciting event!" image: color:#FFF000 |
Sends a message for web event in embed |
ban <user> <reason> [<delete_message_days>] [<silent>] | /ban user:@troublemaker reason:Breaking rules delete_message_days:7 silent:true |
Ban a user who is in the server |
emotes all | /emotes all |
Shows all thee emojis in the server |
Hoyo's Cafe Exclusive Commands
These are some commands made for Hoyo's Cafe:
- Report an emergency that demands immediate attention from our staff members/afk set
- Set your presence as AFK/afk remove
- Remove your AFK presence/team attack
- Attack a team every 12 hours!/team daily
- Gets daily reward of a team/team wish
- Wishes for a weapon/team info
- Shows info of any team!/team join
- Join your favourite team/team purchase
- Purchase a weapon/an item!/team leave
- Leave your current team/team mine
- Show the stats of you and your current team
Global Functions
Global Functions
The following commands are used to setup and deal with tickets. To start using tickets
instantly, use /ticket setup
and the bot will guide you through the
procedures of setting up your ticket mailbox! Note that these commands are only available
to members with Administrator permission, meaning only Admins can close/delete tickets.
Command | Example | Usage |
ticket reset | /ticket reset |
Reset the settings of ticket in the server |
ticket setup | /ticket setup |
Setup ticket function in the server |
ticket addrole | /ticket addrole |
Add a role that can see and manage tickets |
ticket removerole | /ticket removerole |
Remove a role that can see and manage tickets |
ticket notify | /ticket notify |
Send a DM to the ticket author notifying the ticket needs their attention |
ticket delete | /ticket delete |
Deletes an existing ticket channel |
ticket close | /ticket close |
Closes the current ticket and prevents ticket author from viewing the ticket |
ticket button | /ticket button |
Creates a ticket panel with buttons |
ticket dropdown | /ticket dropdown |
Creates a ticket panel with dropdown menu |
The following commands are used to setup co-op system in your server. Use /co-op setup
to starting setting up the co-op system, and the bot will guide you through the procedures! Note that these commands are only available to members with Administrator permission, meaning only Admins can setup/manage the co-op system.
Command | Example | Usage |
co-op disable | /co-op disable |
Disable co-op system in this server |
co-op panel | /co-op panel |
Creates a customized co-op request panel (make sure it's separate from the co-op channel) |
co-op setup | /co-op setup |
Setup co-op system in the server |
The following slash commands are for setting up sticky messages in different channels. Sticky messages will be stayed at the bottom of the channel no matter what messages are sent afterwards. This function is especially useful when you need give your members a heads up on how to use this chat channel or what they need to know before going ahead and sending any messages. To setup sticky messages, you may need Administrator permissions.
Command | Example | Usage |
sticky enable <message> <channel> |
/sticky enable message:important instructions channel:#general
Enable sticky messages in a channel |
sticky disable <channel> | /sticky disable channel:#general |
Disable sticky messages in a channel |
The following slash commands are for setting up vanity roles in your server. If enabled, the bot will reward your members with an exclusive role for advertising your server in their status. To setup vanity roles, you may need Manage Roles permissions.
Command | Example | Usage |
vanity enable <link> <role> <log_channel> |
/vanity enable role:@Exclusive log_channel:#log
Enable vanity roles in the server |
vanity disable |
/vanity disable
Disable vanity roles in the server |
vanity thanks <dm?> <channel> |
/vanity thanks dm:True channel:#thank-you
Toggle thank you message for vanity roles |
The following slash commands are for wishing users in your server a happy birthday. As a normal user, you can set your birthday to receive personalized birthday wishes in servers that have this system enabled. To setup birthday wishes in your server, you may need Administrator permissions.
Command | Example | Usage |
birthday sync <file> |
/birthday sync file:exported_file.txt
Sync data from Birthday Bot (Admin only) |
birthday set <month> <day> <timezone> <character> |
/birthday set month:7 day:21 timezone:UTC character:Venti
Set your birth date and timezone |
birthday get <user> |
/birthday get user:@username
Get the birthday of a member |
birthday remove |
/birthday remove
Remove your birthday from the database |
birthday export |
/birthday export
Exports all birthdays (Admin only) |
birthday enable <channel> <role> |
/birthday enable channel:#birthdays role:@birthday
Enable birthday wishes in a channel |
birthday disable |
/birthday disable
Disable birthday wishes in the server |
The following slash commands are dedicated to random events that appear in a chat channel. Everybody can use /customize, /mora and /lb. Additionally, the server that has random events enabled will have exciting mini-games randomly spawned to the chat based on the frequency you provided. To setup random chat events, you may need Administrator permissions.
Command | Example | Usage |
mora |
Check a user's mora inventory |
customize |
Customize your mora inventory background |
lb |
Check the global or server leaderboard |
events enable <frequency> <channel> |
/events enable frequency:10 channel:#events
Enable random events in a channel |
events settings <channel> |
/events settings channel:#events
Customize the random event selection |
events disable <channel> |
/events disable channel:#events
Disable random events in a channel |
The following slash commands are for setting up welcome messages in a server. If enabled, the bot will automatically greet new server members in a designated text channel. You can customize your own greetings to tailor to your server's needs. To setup welcome messages, you may need Administrator permissions.
Command | Example | Usage |
welcome setup | /welcome setup |
Initalize welcome function in the server |
welcome disable | /welcome disable |
Disable welcome function in the server |
welcome sample | /welcome sample |
Sends a sample welcome message |