
Terms of Service

Usage Agreement

By inviting the bot and using its features (commands, welcome system) do you agree to the following Terms and Privacy Policy (Policy) of the bot.

You acknowledge that you have the privilege to use the bot freely on any Discord Server (Server) you share with it, that you can invite it to any Server that you have "Manage Server" rights for and that this privilege might get revoked for you, if you're subject to breaking the terms and/or policy of this bot, or the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and/or Community Guidelines of Discord Inc.

Through Inviting the bot may it collect specific data as described in its Policy below. The intended usage of this data is for the core functionalities of the bot such as command handling, guild-specific settings and the ticket system.

Intended Age

The bot may not be used by individuals under the minimal age described in Discord's Terms of Service.
Features, such as commands which are marked as "NSFW" (Not safe for work) may not be used by individuals under the age of maturity in their country. Doing so will be seen as a violation of these terms and will result in the removal of the bot from any servers you own.


The Bot is not affiliated with, supported or made by Discord Inc.
Any direct connection to Discord or any of its Trademark objects is purely coincidental. We do not claim to have the copyright ownership of any of Discord's assets, trademarks or other intellectual property.


The owner of the bot may not be made liable for individuals breaking these Terms at any given time.
He has faith in the end users being truthful about their information and not misusing this bot or The Services of Discord Inc in a malicious way.

We reserve the right to update these terms at our own discretion, giving you a 1-Week (7 days) period to opt-out of these terms if you're not agreeing with the new changes.
You may opt-out by Removing the bot from any Server you have the rights for.


People may get in contact with our developer through e-mail at, or through the official Support Discord of the Bot.
Other ways of support may be provided but aren't guaranteed.

Privacy Policy

Usage of Data

The bot may use stored data, as defined below, for features (when enabled in a Server) and command handling.
No usage or storage of data outside of the aforementioned cases will happen. All the data is stored securely on Google Cloud Firebase. Other than that, no data is sold or shared with any other 3rd-party sites or services.

Stored Information

The bot may store the following information automatically in our database, or log the action along with the information in a secured Discord channel: when a command is being used, a function is being enabled/disabled, or being invited to a new Discord Server:

  • The Server Name, ID, Member Count and Invite Link of the Server the Bot is being invited to
  • The User Name and ID of the User who invites the Bot to a Server
  • The Command Used Time, User Name, User ID, User Created Time, Server Name, Server ID, Server Member Count, Channel Name, Channel ID, Server Invite Link, when a User uses a slash command
  • The User Name and their Welcome image of a newly-joined User in a Server that enabled the Welcome function
  • The Text image generated by using /text
  • The suggested Topic generated by using /topic add
  • The respective Category ID, Log Channel ID, Server Name and Server ID of a Server that has Ticket function enabled
  • The respective Channel ID, Message, Last Message ID of a channel that has Sticky Messages function enabled

No other information outside of the above-mentioned one will be stored.

Updating Data

The data may be updated when using specific commands.
Updating data will require the input of an end user, and data that can be seen as sensitive, such as content of a message, may be stored when using certain commands.

No other actions may update the stored information at any given time.

Temporarely stored Information

The Bot may keep the stored information in an internal caching mechanic for a certain amount of time.
After this period, the cached information will be dropped and only be re-added when required.

Data may be dropped from the cache pre-maturely through actions such as removing the bot from the Server.

Removal of Data

Automatic removal

Stored Data can be removed automatically through means of disabling functions of the Bot in a Server. However, other data, such as information collected when a slash command is used, cannot be removed simply be Removing the Bot from a Server.

Manual removal

Manual removal of the data can be requested through email at
For security reasons will we ask you to provide us with proof of ownership of the server, or proof of ownership of a user account, depending on the nature of your request, that you wish the data to be removed. Only a server owner may request the manual removal of data of a server, and only the user may request manual removal of data of a user.

Technical limitations

The Bot has certain limitations that we cannot fix or avoid. Limitations include, but aren't limited to, downtime of the bot due to maintenance, instability or technical issues at our hosting provider or Discord Inc. We shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or expenses caused by any problems and limitations of the Bot.